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Wednesday, September 27, 2006
  Get Outta my House!

Just installed a Bluetooth “radio” USB device with the WIDCOMM drivers.  Lo and Behold it decides I need a “My Bluetooth Places” icon on my desktop.  Evil software.  So after some searching I’m noticing that the way to remove it is either (1) install TweakUI or (2) delete the registry key..  Well, that sucks..  I don’t wanna install tweak UI and deleteing the registry key causes other problems..
So I did some poking around..  There’s an easier fix that doesn’t requie TweakUI or deleting any registry keys.  All you do is tell the registry to hide the icon.  Simple enough really.  So, now the icon is gone, Explore My Bluetooth Places works, and I’m happy..
See the rest of the story to get the registry file..

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00





Copy that into a text file, rename it something.reg, double click to import.  Then either log off and back on, or right click on your desktop and select Refresh.  Or you can just download the reg file in a pretty zip file.  The log off/on or refresh part is up to you wink


Monday, September 18, 2006
  Pop goes the Weasel

Ever had those times when you thought you had something to say only to realize you were speaking nothingness?  Yeah, today is one of those days.  So if anyone reads this, I apologizes ahead of time.  It’s kind of just getting typed as it flows and so if it’s disjointed, it’s on purpose, coherence is an accidental bi-product of an imprefrect approach.
Working on a project in my spare time.  Writing my first Windows Service in C#.  It’s actually a dynamic domain updater for EveryDNS a service I have been using for quite some time (years I think.) Ran into a few problems, for example they don’t allow you to update multiple domains at the same time even if you want them pointed at differant addresses (don’t ask.) So anyway, I had to implement a completely pointless 4 minute delay between differant domain updates so as to properly allow each domain to be forwarded.  Only this creates an issue if you have multiple domains pointed at one default location and a single domain pointed somewhere else (as I did..) so, the solution?  None currently.  Create another account and buy a new domain for it I guess..  Still a sucky solution.  I need to talk with Ed at everyDNS and see if I can get them to updated the update server to accept an array of domains or something........
I haven’t started working on either of my projects for school at this point.  That’s probably a bad thing.  And to say I hjaven’t worked on them at all would be lie.  I just haven’t put as much time into them as I probably should have to this point.  I will fix that shortly.
For the My Lai Court Martials I think I will look into the actions of the President in commuting the sentance of the one man found guilty in the precedings.  Why?  Was it merely public opinion that drove the President’s actions?  Re-election?  What made the President take pity on a man who was using the same defense as the Nazi soldiers used right after WWII (following orders)?  It doesn’t make sense to me, I thiknk I’m missing something.
For my Living Religions class I think I’m going to look at Martin Luther and the 95 Theses.  Why?  Because I’ve never really looked at them before.  I like to think I know what was going on and what Martin Luther was attempting to do, but my knowledge is based on 2nd hand accounts of what happened.  I’d like to look at it more closely.  Pete sent me an idea of looking at the Eastern Orthodox Church, not a bad idea either, I just had already turned in my proposal raspberry If I don’t get very far though, the Professor has said we have the option to change our topics, so we’ll see how it goes.
Jen say it’s time to go get lunch at the SUB so I guess I’m done.  More coherent than I thought it would be.


Thursday, September 7, 2006
  The Suspense is Killing Me

Alright, I’m slacking, I know it.  But that’s the way it goes.  Just trying to play the “stay caught up” game in my classes.  So far so good.  Though I did end up dropping my Comparative Politics course, 15 credits was just a little more than I could handle for the time being.  So now I’m down to just a 12 credit course load, and not complaining too loudly.  I do have to figure out what the heck I’m going to do for my Living Religions research project and paper.  Got my assignment for Introduction to History on Monday, I will be researching and writing a paper on the My Lai Court Martial.  Picked the topic myself, though I’m not entirely sure as to why ot what specific aspect of it I will look at.  Kind wish I would have gone for the Adolf Eichmann trial, but turns out someone else wanted that one too so I likely would not have gotten it anyway.  So where does that leave me otherwise?  Not entirely sure.  I’m just kind of hanging out, doing lots of homework and trying to get enough sleep.  That last part is very important and I’ve slept like crap lately.  Nothing too new going on.
Going to try and setup a FreeNAS server this weekend (hopefully)… Maybe stop by OfficeMax see if they have any of the 50% off drives mentioned on slickdeals left.  Haven’t been any one woot lately, though I did buy a wireless network range extendor/print server/router the other day, $40, not to shabby.
I think that’s everything I have for the time being.  Get more, pay less or something like that.

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Location: Boise, Idaho, United States

My borg designation is 2 of 7. My parents raised me LDS, but I'm atheist. My wife loves me, my kids think about it. My dog thinks I abandoned her and sleeps on the couch.


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